Srečno 2024

Dragi prijatelji, podporniki, spoštovani vsi.
Vstopamo v novo leto, s srcem polnim hvaležnosti in upanja. Vaša predanost in velikodušnost sta nas navdihnili ter nam dali moč, da uresničimo projekte, ki spreminjajo življenja. Hvaležni smo, da smo del skupnosti, ki se zaveda pomena pomoči in sočutja.
Ob vstopu v novo leto si želimo, da bi se naša prizadevanja še nadaljevala in da bomo skupaj soustvarjali še več pozitivnih sprememb. Hvala vam za neprecenljivo podporo in prijaznost.
Srečno novo leto, polno ljubezni, uspeha in blagoslova.
Zveza Rotary klubov Slovenije in Severne Makedonije 
Dear friends, supporters, dear all.
We enter the new year with hearts full of gratitude and hope. Your dedication and generosity have inspired us and empowered us to deliver projects that change lives. We are grateful to be part of a community that recognizes the importance of help and compassion.
As we enter the new year, we hope that our efforts will continue and that we will co-create even more positive changes together. Thank you for your invaluable support and kindness.
Happy New Year full of love, success and blessings.
Federation of Rotary Clubs of Slovenia and North Macedonia